Results from UniTTe project will be presented at the Wind Europe conference & exhibition 2017 in Amsterdam (28-30 Nov. 2017), with three presentations.
Three presentations with scientific results from the UniTTe project will be given by DTU researchers. Find more details and links to the abstracts below:
N. Dimitrov, A. Natarajan, R. Wagner: “Load validation using nacelle-mounted lidars: progress and challenges” (poster sessions)
A. Borraccino, R. Wagner, N. Dimitrov, N. Troldborg, A.R. Meyer Forsting: “Power curve measurement using nacelle lidar estimates of V infinity and its uncertainty” (30 Nov., room Emerald, 9:30), presentation slides link.
G. G. Yankova, M. Courtney: “Do we need to classify nacelle lidars” (30 Nov., room Emerald, 9:30)